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020 Bladder Leakage  1 International Standards Organization. ISO 11948-1: Urine-absorbing aids Part 1: Whole product testing. Geneva: International Standards Organization; 1996. 1996.
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003 Bowel Leakage  1 Cottenden A, Fader M, Beeckman D, Bliss D, Buckley B, Kitson-Reynolds E, et al. Management using Continence Products. In: Abrams P CL, Wein A, Wagg A, editor. Incontinence 6th International Consultation on Incontinence, Tokyo 2016. 6: ICS/ICUD; 2017
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028 Body Shape  1 Buckley B. User perspectives, preferences and priorities relating to products for managing bladder and bowel dysfunctions. J Engineering in Medicine 2017. DOI: 10.1177/0954411917750193
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026 Hand Control  1 Fader M, Cottenden A, Getliffe K, Gage H, Clarke-O'Neill S, Jamieson K, et al. Absorbent products for urinary/faecal incontinence: a comparative evaluation of key product designs. Health Technol Assess 2008 Jul;12(29):iii-185.
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030 Day or Night  1 Fader M, Cottenden A, Getliffe K, Gage H, Clarke-O'Neill S, Jamieson K, et al. Absorbent products for urinary/faecal incontinence: a comparative evaluation of key product designs. Health Technol Assess 2008 Jul;12(29):iii-185.
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037 Personal Preferences  1 Cottenden A, Fader M, Beeckman D, Bliss D, Buckley B, Kitson-Reynolds E, et al. Management using Continence Products. In: Abrams P CL, Wein A, Wagg A, editor. Incontinence 6th International Consultation on Incontinence, Tokyo 2016. 6: ICS/ICUD; 2017
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 5 Buckley B. User perspectives, preferences and priorities relating to products for managing bladder and bowel dysfunctions. J Engineering in Medicine 2017. DOI: 10.1177/0954411917750193
 6 Dunn S, Paterson J, Kowanko I, et al. Final report in relation to services for development of a consumer guide and information on continence products. Canberra, ACT, Australia: Department of Health and Aged Care, 2000.
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004 Absorbent products for women  1 Buckley B. User perspectives, preferences and priorities relating to products for managing bladder and bowel dysfunctions. J Engineering in Medicine 2017. DOI: 10.1177/0954411917750193
 2 Fader M, Cottenden A, Getliffe K, Gage H, Clarke-O'Neill S, Jamieson K, et al. Absorbent products for urinary/faecal incontinence: a comparative evaluation of key product designs. Health Technol Assess 2008 Jul;12(29):iii-185.
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 13 Fernando J, Wagg A. What Wait Time in a Soiled Pad Is Acceptable to Older Patients and Their Direct Caregivers? J Wound Ostomy Continence Nurs. 2017;44(6):562-7
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004.001 Light bladder leakage in women  1 Fader M, Cottenden A, Getliffe K, Gage H, Clarke-O'Neill S, Jamieson K, et al. Absorbent products for urinary/faecal incontinence: a comparative evaluation of key product designs. Health Technol Assess 2008 Jul;12(29):iii-185.
 2 Cottenden A, Fader M, Beeckman D, Bliss D, Buckley B, Kitson-Reynolds E, et al. Management using Continence Products. In: Abrams P CL, Wein A, Wagg A, editor. Incontinence 6th International Consultation on Incontinence, Tokyo 2016. 6: ICS/ICUD; 2017
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004.002 Moderate / heavy bladder leakage in women  1 Fader M, Cottenden A, Getliffe K, Gage H, Clarke-O'Neill S, Jamieson K, et al. Absorbent products for urinary/faecal incontinence: a comparative evaluation of key product designs. Health Technol Assess 2008 Jul;12(29):iii-185.
 2 Cottenden A, Fader M, Beeckman D, Bliss D, Buckley B, Kitson-Reynolds E, et al. Management using Continence Products. In: Abrams P CL, Wein A, Wagg A, editor. Incontinence 6th International Consultation on Incontinence, Tokyo 2016. 6: ICS/ICUD; 2017
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005.001 Light bladder leakage in men  1 Macaulay M, Pettersson L, Fader M, Brooks R, Cottenden A. Absorbent products for men with light incontinence: an evaluation. UK: Medical Devices Agency; 2005.
 2 Cottenden A, Fader M, Beeckman D, Bliss D, Buckley B, Kitson-Reynolds E, et al. Management using Continence Products. In: Abrams P CL, Wein A, Wagg A, editor. Incontinence 6th International Consultation on Incontinence, Tokyo 2016. 6: ICS/ICUD; 2017
 3 Fader M, Cottenden A, Getliffe K, Gage H, Clarke-O'Neill S, Jamieson K, et al. Absorbent products for urinary/faecal incontinence: a comparative evaluation of key product designs. Health Technol Assess 2008 Jul;12(29):iii-185.
005.002 Moderate / heavy bladder leakage in men  1 Fader M, Cottenden A, Getliffe K, Gage H, Clarke-O'Neill S, Jamieson K, et al. Absorbent products for urinary/faecal incontinence: a comparative evaluation of key product designs. Health Technol Assess 2008 Jul;12(29):iii-185.
 2 Cottenden A, Fader M, Beeckman D, Bliss D, Buckley B, Kitson-Reynolds E, et al. Management using Continence Products. In: Abrams P CL, Wein A, Wagg A, editor. Incontinence 6th International Consultation on Incontinence, Tokyo 2016. 6: ICS/ICUD; 2017
 3 Fader MJ, Pettersson L, Clinton L, Dean GE, Brooks RD, Cottenden AM. Disability Equipment Assessment Report, All-in-one disposable bodyworn pads for heavy incontinence. Medical Devices Agency (UK); 1999. Report No.: IN.4.
 4 Macaulay M, Clarke-ONeill S, Fader M, Pettersson L, Cottenden A. Are washable absorbents effective at containing urinary incontinence? Nursing Times 100(12):58-62, 2004 Mar 23;-29.
007 Female Devices  1 Nygaard I. Prevention of exercise incontinence with mechanical devices. J Reprod Med 1995 Feb;40(2):89-94.
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 4 Cameron A, Wallner L, Tate DG, Sarma S, Rodriguez G, Clemens JQ. Bladder management after spinal cord injury in the United States 1972 to 2005. Journal of Urology 2010.
 5 Thyssen H, Lose G. New disposable vaginal device (continence guard) in the treatment of female stress incontinence. Design, efficacy and short term safety. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 1996 Feb;75(2):170-3.
 6 Thyssen H, Sander P, Lose G. A vaginal device (continence guard) in the management of urge incontinence in women. Int Urogynecol J Pelvic Floor Dysfunct 1999;10(4):219-22.
 7 Morris A, Moore KH. The Contiform incontinence device - efficacy and patient acceptability. Int Urogynecol J Pelvic Floor Dysfunct 2003.
 8 Allen WA, Leek H, Izurieta A, Moore KH. Update: the 'Contiform' intravaginal device in four sizes for the treatment of stress incontinence. International Urogynaecology Journal and Pelvic Floor Dysfunction 2008.
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 2 Suarez GM, Baum NH, Jacobs J. Use of standard contraceptive diaphragm in management of stress urinary incontinence. Urology 1991 Feb;37(2):119-22.
 3 Bhatia NN, Bergman A. Pessary test in women with urinary incontinence. Obstet Gynecol 1985 Feb;65(2):220-6.
 4 Cameron A, Wallner L, Tate DG, Sarma S, Rodriguez G, Clemens JQ. Bladder management after spinal cord injury in the United States 1972 to 2005. Journal of Urology 2010.
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 6 Biswas NC. A silastic vaginal device for the treatment of genuine stress incontinence. Neurourology & Urodynamics 1988;(7):271-2.
 7 Davila GW, Neal D, Horbach N, Peacher J, Doughtie JD, Karram M. A bladder-neck support prosthesis for women with stress and mixed incontinence. Obstet Gynecol 1999 Jun;93(6):938-42.
 8 Kondo A, Yokoyama E, Koshiba K, Fukui J, Gotoh M, Yoshikawa Y, et al. Bladder neck support prosthesis: a nonoperative treatment for stress or mixed urinary incontinence. J Urol 1997 Mar;157(3):824-7.
 9 Moore KH, Simons A, Dowell C, Bryant C, Prashar S. Efficacy and user acceptability of the urethral occlusive device in women with urinary incontinence. J Urol 1999 Aug;162(2):464-8.
 10 Morris A, Moore KH. The Contiform incontinence device - efficacy and patient acceptability. Int Urogynecol J Pelvic Floor Dysfunct 2003.
 11 Allen WA, Leek H, Izurieta A, Moore KH. Update: the 'Contiform' intravaginal device in four sizes for the treatment of stress incontinence. International Urogynaecology Journal and Pelvic Floor Dysfunction 2008.
 12 Nygaard I. Prevention of exercise incontinence with mechanical devices. J Reprod Med 1995 Feb;40(2):89-94.
 13 Thyssen H, Lose G. New disposable vaginal device (continence guard) in the treatment of female stress incontinence. Design, efficacy and short term safety. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 1996 Feb;75(2):170-3.
 14 Thyssen H, Sander P, Lose G. A vaginal device (continence guard) in the management of urge incontinence in women. Int Urogynecol J Pelvic Floor Dysfunct 1999;10(4):219-22.
 15 Sander P, Thyssen H, Lose G, Andersen JT. Effect of a vaginal device on quality of life with urinary stress incontinence. Obstet Gynecol 1999 Mar;93(3):407-11.
 16 Hahn I, Milsom I. Treatment of female stress urinary incontinence with a new anatomically shaped vaginal device (Conveen Continence Guard). Br J Urol 1996 May;77(5):711-5.
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 18 Fetsch JF, Davis CJ, Jr., Hallman JR, Chung LS, Lupton GP, Sesterhenn IA. Lymphedematous fibroepithelial polyps of the glans penis and prepuce: a clinicopathologic study of 7 cases demonstrating a strong association with chronic condom catheter use. Hum Pathol 2004 Feb;35(2):190-5.
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016 Toileting Aids for Women  1 Pomfret I, Vickerman J, Tonge P. Introducing a hand-held urinal service in secondary care. Nursing Times 101(18):68, 70-1, 2005 May 3;-9.
 2 Fader M, Pettersson L, Dean G, Brooks R, Cottenden A. The selection of female urinals: results of a multicentre evaluation. Br J Nurs 1999 Jul 22;8(14):918-5.
 3 Vickerman J. The benefits of a lending library for female urinals. Nursing Times 99(44):56-7, 2003 Nov 4;-10.
 4 Macaulay M, Clarke-O'Neill S, Cottenden A, Fader M, van den HE, Jowitt F. Female urinals for women with impaired mobility. Nursing Times 102(42):42-3, 45, 47, 2006 Oct 17;-23.
 5 Wells T, Brink C. Urinary continence/incontinence: What's available to make life pleasanter for patients and staff. Geriatr Nurs 1980 Nov; 1(4):264-9, 276
 6 Naylor JR, Mulley GP. Commodes: inconvenient conveniences. BMJ 1993 Nov 13;307(6914):1258-60.
 7 Cottenden A, Fader M, Beeckman D, Bliss D, Buckley B, Kitson-Reynolds E, et al. Management using Continence Products. In: Abrams P CL, Wein A, Wagg A, editor. Incontinence 6th International Consultation on Incontinence, Tokyo 2016. 6: ICS/ICUD; 2017
 8 MacIntosh J. Realising the potential of urinals for women. Journal of Community Nursing
 9 Gattinger H, Werner B, Saxer S. Patient experiences with bedpans in acute care: a cross-sectional study. J Clin Nurs. 2013; 22 (15-16): 2216-24.
 10 Fader MJ, Pettersson L, Clinton L, Dean G, Brooks R, Cottenden A. Basic commodes: a comparative evaluation. Medical Devices Agency; 2004. Report No.: A5.
 11 Gillan J. Seat of the motions. Nursing Times 1999;95:26.
 12 Bucior H, Cochrane J. Lifting the lid: a clinical audit on commode cleaning. Journal of Infection Prevention 2010.
 13 Nazarko L. Commode design for frail and disabled people. Prof Nurse 1995 Nov;11(2):95-7.
 14 Ballinger C, Pain H, Pascoe J, Gore S. Choosing a commode for the ward environment. Br J Nurs 1996 Apr 25;5(8):485-500.
 15 Sim S, Barr CJ, George S. Comparison of equipment prescriptions in the toilet/bathroom by occupational therapists using home visits and digital photos, for patients in rehabilitation. Australian Occupational Therapy Journal. 2015;62(2):132-40.
 16 Kennedy MJ, Arcelus A, Guitard P, Goubran RA, Sveistrup H. Toilet Grab-Bar Preference and Center of Pressure Deviation During Toilet Transfers in Healthy Seniors, Seniors With Hip Replacements, and Seniors Having Suffered a Stroke. Assistive Technology. 2015;27(2):78-87.
 17 Lee SJ, Sanford J, Calkins M, Melgen S, Endicott S, Phillips A. Beyond ADA Accessibility Requirements: Meeting Seniors’ Needs for Toilet Transfers. Health Environments Re- search & Design Journal (HERD) (Sage Publications, Ltd). 2018;11(2):32-44.
 18 Lee SJ, Mehta-Desai R, Oh K, Sanford J, Prilutsky BI. Effects of bilateral swing-away grab bars on the biomechanics of stand-to-sit and sit-to-stand toilet transfers. Disability & Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology. 2019;14(3):292-300. 62
 19 Niwa LMS, Radovich NMF, Ciosak SI. Safe Embrace: technological innovation for elderly safety in the use of toilets. Revis- ta Brasileira de Enfermagem. 2018:2833-6.
 20 Farrington N. Supporting women with toileting in palliative care: use of the female urinal for bladder management. International Journal of Palliative Nursing. 2016;22(11):524-33
016.004 Commodes  1 Sim S, Barr CJ, George S. Comparison of equipment prescriptions in the toilet/bathroom by occupational therapists using home visits and digital photos, for patients in rehabilitation. Australian Occupational Therapy Journal. 2015;62(2):132-40.
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 3 Brown DS. Diapers and underpads, Part 1: Skin integrity outcomes. Ostomy Wound Manage 1994 Nov;40(9):20-6, 28.
 4 Cottenden AM, Ledger DJ. Predicting the leakage performance of bodyworn disposable incontinence pads using laboratory tests. J Biomed Eng 1993 May;15(3):212-20.
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 9 Cottenden A, Fader M, Beeckman D, Bliss D, Buckley B, Kitson-Reynolds E, et al. Management using Continence Products. In: Abrams P CL, Wein A, Wagg A, editor. Incontinence 6th International Consultation on Incontinence, Tokyo 2016. 6: ICS/ICUD; 2017
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 12 Grant R. Washable pads or disposable diapers? Geriatr Nurs 1982 Jul;3(4):248-51.
 13 Brown DS. Diapers and underpads, Part 2: Cost outcomes. Ostomy Wound Manage 1994 Nov;40(9):34-6, 38, 40.
 14 Hu TW, Kaltreider DL, Igou JF. Disposable versus reusable incontinent products: a controlled cost-effectiveness experiment. Ostomy Wound Manage 1988;21:46-53.
 15 Buckley B. User perspectives, preferences and priorities relating to products for managing bladder and bowel dysfunctions. J Engineering in Medicine 2017. DOI: 10.1177/0954411917750193
 16 Cottenden AM, Moore KN, Fader MJ, Cremer AW. Is there a risk of cross-infection from laundered reusable bedpads? Br J Nurs 1999 Sep 23;8(17):1161-3.
019 Clothing, odour control and skin care for women  1 Getliffe K, Fader M, Cottenden A, Jamieson K, Green N. Absorbent products for incontinence: “treatment effects” and impact on quality of life. J Clin Nurs. 2007; 16 (10):1936-45.
 2 Cottenden A, Fader M, Beeckman D, Bliss D, Buckley B, Kitson-Reynolds E, et al. Management using Continence Products. In: Abrams P CL, Wein A, Wagg A, editor. Incontinence 6th International Consultation on Incontinence, Tokyo 2016. 6: ICS/ICUD; 2017
 3 Buckley B. User perspectives, preferences and priorities relating to products for managing bladder and bowel dysfunctions. J Engineering in Medicine 2017 DOI: 10.1177/0954411917750193
 4 Norton CS. Nursing for continence, 2nd Edition. 1996 Beaconsfield Publishers, UK
 5 Black JM, Gray M, Bliss DZ et al. MASD Part 2: Incontinence- associated dermatitis and intertriginous dermatitis. A consensus. J Wound Ostomy Continence Nurs 2011; 38(4):359–370.
 6 Gray M, Beeckman D, Bliss DZ et al. Incontinence-associated dermatitis: A Comprehensive Review and Update. J Wound Ostomy Continence Nurs 2012; 39(1):61–74.
 7 Driver DS. Perineal dermatitis in critical care patients. Crit Care Nurse 2007; 27(4):42–46.
 8 Farage MA, Miller KW, Berardesca E & Maibach HI. Incontinence in the aged: contact dermatitis and other cutaneous consequences. Contact Dermatitis 2007; 57(4):211–217.
 9 Gray M, Bliss DZ, Doughty DB, Emer-Seltin J, Kennedy-Evans KL & Palmer MH. Incontinence-associated dermatitis: A consensus. J Wound Ostomy Continence Nurs 2007; 34(1):45–54.
 10 Junkin J, Moore-Lisi L & Selekof J. What we don’t know can hurt us, pilot prevalence survey of incontinence and related perineal skin injury in acute care abstract. Las Vegas NV: WOCN National Conference, June 2005.
 11 Beeckman D, Van Damme N, Schoonhoven L, Van Lancker A, Kottner J, Beele H, et al. Interventions for preventing and treating incontinence-associated dermatitis in adults. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2016; 11: CD011627
 12 Weber BA, Roberts BL. Refining a Prostate Cancer Survivor’s Toolkit. Urol Nurs. 2015;35(1):22-9
 13 Park S, Yeoum S, Kim Y, Kwon HJ. Self-management Experiences of Older Korean Women With Urinary Incontinence: A Descriptive Qualitative Study Using Focus Groups. Journal of Wound, Ostomy & Continence Nursing. 2017;44(6):572-7
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 17 Gray M, Giuliano KK. Incontinence-Associated Dermatitis, Characteristics and Relationship to Pressure Injury: A Multisite Epidemiologic Analysis. J Wound Ostomy Continence Nurs. 2018;45(1):63-7
 18 Hahnel E, Blume-Peytavi U, Trojahn C, Dobos G, Jahnke I, Kanti V, et al. Prevalence and associated factors of skin diseases in aged nursing home residents: a multicentre prevalence study. BMJ Open. 2017;7(9):e018283
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 20 Dissemond J, Assenheimer B, Gerber V, Hintner M, Puntigam MJ, Kolbig N, et al. Moisture-associated skin damage (MASD): A best practice recommendation from Wund-D.A.CH. J Dtsch Dermatol Ges. 2021
 21 Wei L, Bao Y, Chai Q, Zheng J, xu W. Determining Risk Factors to Develop a Predictive Model of Incontinence-associated Dermatitis Among Critically Ill Patients with Fecal Incontinence: A Prospective, Quantitative Study. Wound Manag Prev. 2019;65(4):24-33
 22 Van Damme N, Clays E, Verhaeghe S, Van Hecke A, Beeckman D. Independent risk factors for the development of incontinence-associated dermatitis (category 2) in critically ill patients with fecal incontinence: A cross-sectional observational study in 48 ICU units. Int J Nurs Stud. 2018;81:30-9
 23 Van Damme N, Van den Bussche K, De Meyer D, Van Hecke A, Verhaeghe S, Beeckman D. Independent risk factors for the development of skin erosion due to incontinence (incontinence-associated dermatitis category 2) in nursing home residents: results from a multivariate binary regression analysis. Int Wound J. 2017;14(5):801-10
 24 Boronat-Garrido x, Kottner J, Schmitz G, Lahmann N. Incontinence-Associated Dermatitis in Nursing Homes: Prevalence, Severity, and Risk Factors in Residents With Urinary and/ or Fecal Incontinence. J Wound Ostomy Continence Nurs. 2016;43(6):630-5.
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 27 Gray M, Kent D, Ermer-Seltun J, McNichol L. Assessment, Selection, Use, and Evaluation of Body-Worn Absorbent Products for Adults With Incontinence: A WOCN Society Consensus Conference. J Wound Ostomy Continence Nurs. 2018;45(3):243-64
 28 Bender JK, Faergemann J, Skold M. Skin Health Connected to the Use of Absorbent Hygiene Products: A Review. Dermatol Ther (Heidelb). 2017;7(3):319-30
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 2 Fontaine E. · Izadifar V. · Barthélémy Y. · Desgrippes A. · Beurton D. Urinary Continence following Radical Prostatectomy Assessed by a Self–Administered Questionnaire European UrologyVol. 37, No. 2, 2000
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042.002.001 Less than 12 Months  1 Macaulay M, Broadbridge J, Gage H, Williams P, Birch B, Moore K, Cottenden A, Fader M A trial of male urinary devices for urinary incontinence after treatment for Prostate cancer
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005 Absorbent products for men  1 Teunissen TAM, Lagro-Janssen ALM. Sex differences in the use of absorbent (incontinence) pads in independently living elderly people: do men receive less care? Int J Clin Pract 2009.
 2 Buckley B. User perspectives, preferences and priorities relating to products for managing bladder and bowel dysfunctions. J Engineering in Medicine 2017. DOI: 10.1177/0954411917750193
 3 Fader M, Cottenden A, Getliffe K, Gage H, Clarke-O'Neill S, Jamieson K, et al. Absorbent products for urinary/faecal incontinence: a comparative evaluation of key product designs. Health Technol Assess 2008 Jul;12(29):iii-185.
 4 Grant R. Washable pads or disposable diapers? Geriatr Nurs 1982 Jul;3(4):248-51.
 5 Brown DS. Diapers and underpads, Part 2: Cost outcomes. Ostomy Wound Manage 1994 Nov;40(9):34-6, 38, 40.
 6 Hu TW, Kaltreider DL, Igou JF. Disposable versus reusable incontinent products: a controlled cost-effectiveness experiment. Ostomy Wound Manage 1988;21:46-53.
 7 Macaulay M, Pettersson L, Fader M, Brooks R, Cottenden A. Absorbent products for men with light incontinence: an evaluation. UK: Medical Devices Agency; 2005.
 8 Beber CR. Freedom for the incontinent. Am J Nurs 1980 Mar;80(3):482-4.
 9 Getliffe K, Fader M, Cottenden A, Jamieson K, Green N. Absorbent products for incontinence: 'treatment effects' and impact on quality of life. Journal of Clinical Nursing 16(10):1936-45, 2007 Oct.
 10 Cottenden AM, Fader MJ, Pettersson L, Clinton L, Dean GE, Malone-Lee J, et al. Disposable, shaped bodyworn pads with pants for heavy incontinence. London, UK: Medical Devices Agency; 1998. Report No.: IN1.
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 12 Cottenden A, Fader M, Beeckman D, Bliss D, Buckley B, Kitson-Reynolds E, et al. Management using Continence Products. In: Abrams P CL, Wein A, Wagg A, editor. Incontinence 6th International Consultation on Incontinence, Tokyo 2016. 6: ICS/ICUD; 2017
 13 International Standards Organization. ISO 11948-1: Urine-absorbing aids Part 1: Whole product testing. Geneva: International Standards Organization; 1996.
 14 Cottenden AM, Ledger DJ. Predicting the leakage performance of bodyworn disposable incontinence pads using laboratory tests. J Biomed Eng 1993 May;15(3):212-20.
 15 Cottenden AM, Fader MJ, Pettersson L, Brooks RJ. How well does ISO 11948-1 (the Rothwell method) for measuring the absorption capacity of incontinence pads in the laboratory correlate with clinical pad performance. Medical Engineering & Physics 25(7):603-13, 2003 Sep.
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040 The Environment  1 Aumônier S, Collins M. Life cycle assessment of disposable and reusable nappies in the UK. London: Environmental Agency; 2005.
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 4 Cottenden A, Fader M, Beeckman D, Bliss D, Buckley B, Kitson-Reynolds E, et al. Management using Continence Products. In: Abrams P CL, Wein A, Wagg A, editor. Incontinence 6th International Consultation on Incontinence, Tokyo 2016. 6: ICS/ICUD; 2017
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044 Toileting Aids for Men  1 Pomfret I, Vickerman J, Tonge P. Introducing a hand-held urinal service in secondary care. Nursing Times 101(18):68, 70-1, 2005 May 3;-9.
 2 Vickerman J. Selecting urinals for male patients. Nursing Times 102(19):47-8, 2006 May 9;-15.
 3 Vickerman J. The benefits of a lending library for female urinals. Nursing Times 99(44):56-7, 2003 Nov 4;-10.
 4 Wells T, Brink C. Urinary continence/incontinence: What's available to make life pleasanter for patients and staff. Geriatr Nurs 1980 Nov; 1(4):264-9, 276
 5 Naylor JR, Mulley GP. Commodes: inconvenient conveniences. BMJ 1993 Nov 13;307(6914):1258-60.
 6 Cottenden A, Fader M, Beeckman D, Bliss D, Buckley B, Kitson-Reynolds E, et al. Management using Continence Products. In: Abrams P CL, Wein A, Wagg A, editor. Incontinence 6th International Consultation on Incontinence, Tokyo 2016. 6: ICS/ICUD; 2017
 7 MacIntosh J. Realising the potential of urinals for women. Journal of Community Nursing 1998;12(8):14-8.
 8 Gattinger H, Werner B, Saxer S. Patient experiences with bedpans in acute care: a cross-sectional study. J Clin Nurs. 2013; 22 (15-16): 2216-24.
 9 Fader MJ, Pettersson L, Clinton L, Dean G, Brooks R, Cottenden A. Basic commodes: a comparative evaluation. Medical Devices Agency; 2004. Report No.: A5.
 10 Gillan J. Seat of the motions. Nursing Times 1999;95:26.
 11 Bucior H, Cochrane J. Lifting the lid: a clinical audit on commode cleaning. Journal of Infection Prevention 2010.
 12 Nazarko L. Commode design for frail and disabled people. Prof Nurse 1995 Nov;11(2):95-7.
 13 Ballinger C, Pain H, Pascoe J, Gore S. Choosing a commode for the ward environment. Br J Nurs 1996 Apr 25;5(8):485-500.
 14 Sim S, Barr CJ, George S. Comparison of equipment prescriptions in the toilet/bathroom by occupational therapists using home visits and digital photos, for patients in rehabilitation. Australian Occupational Therapy Journal. 2015;62(2):132-40.
 15 Kennedy MJ, Arcelus A, Guitard P, Goubran RA, Sveistrup H. Toilet Grab-Bar Preference and Center of Pressure Deviation During Toilet Transfers in Healthy Seniors, Seniors With Hip Replacements, and Seniors Having Suffered a Stroke. Assistive Technology. 2015;27(2):78-87
 16 Lee SJ, Sanford J, Calkins M, Melgen S, Endicott S, Phillips A. Beyond ADA Accessibility Requirements: Meeting Seniors’ Needs for Toilet Transfers. Health Environments Re- search & Design Journal (HERD) (Sage Publications, Ltd). 2018;11(2):32-44.
 17 Lee SJ, Mehta-Desai R, Oh K, Sanford J, Prilutsky BI. Effects of bilateral swing-away grab bars on the biomechanics of stand-to-sit and sit-to-stand toilet transfers. Disability & Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology. 2019;14(3):292-300. 62
 18 Niwa LMS, Radovich NMF, Ciosak SI. Safe Embrace: technological innovation for elderly safety in the use of toilets. Revis- ta Brasileira de Enfermagem. 2018:2833-6
045 Clothing, odour control and skin care for men  1 Getliffe K, Fader M, Cottenden A, Jamieson K, Green N. Absorbent products for incontinence: “treatment effects” and impact on quality of life. J Clin Nurs. 2007; 16 (10):1936-45.
 2 Cottenden A, Fader M, Beeckman D, Bliss D, Buckley B, Kitson-Reynolds E, et al. Management using Continence Products. In: Abrams P CL, Wein A, Wagg A, editor. Incontinence 6th International Consultation on Incontinence, Tokyo 2016. 6: ICS/ICUD; 2017
 3 Buckley B. User perspectives, preferences and priorities relating to products for managing bladder and bowel dysfunctions. J Engineering in Medicine 2017 DOI: 10.1177/0954411917750193
 4 Norton CS. Nursing for continence, 2nd Edition. 1996 Beaconsfield Publishers, UK
 5 Black JM, Gray M, Bliss DZ et al. MASD Part 2: Incontinence- associated dermatitis and intertriginous dermatitis. A consensus. J Wound Ostomy Continence Nurs 2011; 38(4):359–370.
 6 Gray M, Beeckman D, Bliss DZ et al. Incontinence-associated dermatitis: A Comprehensive Review and Update. J Wound Ostomy Continence Nurs 2012; 39(1):61–74.
 7 Driver DS. Perineal dermatitis in critical care patients. Crit Care Nurse 2007; 27(4):42–46.
 8 Farage MA, Miller KW, Berardesca E & Maibach HI. Incontinence in the aged: contact dermatitis and other cutaneous consequences. Contact Dermatitis 2007; 57(4):211–217.
 9 Gray M, Bliss DZ, Doughty DB, Emer-Seltin J, Kennedy-Evans KL & Palmer MH. Incontinence-associated dermatitis: A consensus. J Wound Ostomy Continence Nurs 2007; 34(1):45–54.
 10 Junkin J, Moore-Lisi L & Selekof J. What we don’t know can hurt us, pilot prevalence survey of incontinence and related perineal skin injury in acute care abstract. Las Vegas NV: WOCN National Conference, June 2005.
 11 Beeckman D, Van Damme N, Schoonhoven L, Van Lancker A, Kottner J, Beele H, et al. Interventions for preventing and treating incontinence-associated dermatitis in adults. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2016; 11: CD011627
 12 Weber BA, Roberts BL. Refining a Prostate Cancer Survivor’s Toolkit. Urol Nurs. 2015;35(1):22-9
 13 Sunah P, SoonGyo Y, Yoonjung K, Hye Jin K. Self-manage- ment Experiences of Older Korean Women With Urinary Incontinence: A Descriptive Qualitative Study Using Focus Groups. Journal of Wound, Ostomy & Continence Nursing. 2017;44(6):572-7
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Continence Product Advisor

Incontinence can often be cured. Incontinence is a problem with one or more underlying causes that can often be cured or improved. Whatever your age seeking help is always advisable. Take the first step to getting help by contacting a health professional or continence organisation in your country.

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