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Home Toileting Aids for Men

Sometimes people may find it difficult or impossible to access or use a conventional toilet. There are many aids available that can help people to manage their toileting independently.

Top Tips

  1. A urine director is useful first thing in the morning if you have a retracted penis to remove any residual urine from the bladder that may be present before putting on daytime protection.
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  3. It is useful to keep a urine direction funnel in each toilet in the house so you are always ready. They really stop any tendency to spray and can be washed out after use.
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Continence Product Advisor

Incontinence can often be cured. Incontinence is a problem with one or more underlying causes that can often be cured or improved. Whatever your age seeking help is always advisable. Take the first step to getting help by contacting a health professional or continence organisation in your country.

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