If you are about to have treatment for prostate cancer or have had treatment and have bladder or bowel leakage, the information in this website is for you.
Surgery and a catheter All men who have surgery for prostate cancer will have a catheter. When the catheter is removed most men will have some bladder leakage. This usually only lasts for a few days or weeks but it can become long-term. Don’t let this get in the way of your recovery - get ready and be prepared!
Bladder and bowel leakage If you have had treatment for prostate cancer and now have bladder or bowel leakage you are not alone. Find out about effective products and how to get hold of them. Listen to other men talking about their experiences and how they tackled incontinence.
The information in this website has come from many consultations with men who have experienced bladder and bowel leakage following treatment for prostate cancer. It is also based on the available research evidence.
For general information about prostate cancer visit: